PDH – Support
iLLDs Library for AURIX Microcontroller

iLLD Library
The iLLD is a single open source software package offering driver functions for the AURIX™ family. The main feature:
- Easy integration
- Support for various compilers
- Reference code for various application scenarios
- Enables easy microcontroller peripheral configuration, initialization and usage
The iLLD provides functions, drivers and structures that allow three levels of abstraction:
- Special Function Register Level: Access register bit fields by name
- Driver Level: Combines register configurations to be easily executed using function calls
- Function Level: Initialization, configuration, start and stop of any AURIX™ peripheral
iLLDs in Functional Safety Projects
In general the use of iLLD in a IEC 61508 development has to be evaluated according to the SIL (Safety Integritylevel), to the safety functions, and to the project investments trade-offs. Obvious immediate benefits are low or zero costs for driver licenses. Much more meaningful, is the opportunity to design simpler, more maintainable code, in a less expensive project environment.
On the other hand, the integration of a non certified driver set like iLLD may imply more engineering work for the analysis, documentation and test process.
For those reasons Bluewind can support customers to select the best library for their Safety Projects.
Infineon & Bluewind
Bluewind is officially appointed as Infineon Preferred Design House (PDH) for EMEA.
As Safety PDH, Bluewind provides iLLDs Library and support.
Bluewind enables the iLLDs Integration and selection of the best approach to be adopted in a Safety Design:
- Library selection
- iLLD Integration
- Unit & Integration Test
- Safety Training
Bluewind Expertise
Bluewind’s long standing knowledge of Infineon AURIX Microcontroller gives the capability to provide expert services for full product design covering: architectural stage, hardware and software design, product testing and Safety Certification.
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