Hardware Quality Training Classes
This training course will teach hardware engineers the basics of and provide insights into printed circuit design.
The quality of this important part of hardware design is closely linked to the knowledge of the consequences of a series of decisions.
Having in-depth understanding of the most complex situations comes after years of trial and error, each one teaching important details. By attending this training course an engineer will be able to save part of this time and the associated costs of having to rework during the design phase.

Day 1: The Printed Circuit Board
- Component’s Land Pattern
- IPC-7351 compliant footprint
- How to select the right PCB technology
- Types of base material
- How to select the right PCB finishes
- Acceptability, PCB Class
Day 2: PCB layout
- Design rules
- How to choose the right stackup
- Rules for Placement
- Placement for Industrialization, Testability, EMC
- Basic Rules for EMC
- Layers stackup
- Power plane and Ground
- Ground connection
- Slew rate – PCB partitioning
- Quite Areas and moat
- Decoupling
- SSN: Simultaneous Switching Noise
Day 3: PCB routing
- Power Supply and conversion
- Offline SMPS converter
- SMPS converter
- Digital and analog signals
- Crosstalk
- High Speed Routing
- Transmission line
- Over-Undershoot, terminating techniques
- Differential Transmission lines
- Via Placement. Reflections and Stub
- Matched Length
- RF signals Tips
Day 4: PCB manufacturing
- Routing for Testability
- Routing for Industrialization
- Thermal Relief
- Documentation
- Checking For Design Rule Violations
- Gerber Files – Board manufacturing
- Files for Production
- Files for Board Testing